Sunday 1 February 2009

Allow me to introduce myself.....

My name is Emma- better known to many of my friends as either Wherrers or Emski depending on who you are. I have a pony and live at home with my parents and 2 (soon to be 3) dogs. I am currently studying for a History degree and loving being at university. I am just like any other student- lazy, enjoy the odd drink, eat way too much junk food,..... you get the picture. There is, however, one vital difference- I suffer from brittle asthma and have done since my previously mild asthma turned brittle at the end of 2007. This means in addition to my studenty activities I spend a large portion of my day taking inhalers, nebulisers and tablets just to allow myself to do these activities. At the moment this restricts quite a lot of the above student activities. I have managed to spend most of the term so far in hospital or at home due to being too unwell to return to Uni. Although my GP agreed last time I saw her that I was well enough to try returning this week. I was so so so happy to hear that :D. I have missed all my friends down there so much while I have been stuck up here.

Having introduced myself I realise that I sound pretty whiny but I am hoping that by next academic year it will be a totally different story. I have just started on a 16 week trial of Xolair. It does involve 2 injections monthly but seeing as I have managed 2 admissions in as many weeks and they involve an awful lot of needles I shouldn't complain ;) It is hoped that it will transform my life- getting me off steroids and generally improving my "quality of life". I have decided that a positive attitude will make it work :) I am aiming, if it does work, to run a half marathon in the next year and to lose the 'cuddly' effect that plagues so many of us who have to take large amounts of steroids.

I will keep you updated on my return to Uni- I am muchly excited about it :)

Thank you for listening to my rambling
Over and out ( I've always wanted to say that!)

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