Friday 26 June 2009

Hot and Humid weather

I have recently discovered a new trigger for my asthma. When the weather is hot and humid this seems to set my asthma off, my peakflow drops and i need more of my reliever but as soon as it cools down or rains it all goes back to what it was before.
It is very annoying as i had just got most of my strength back and now on hot and humid days it feels like i have gone back quite a few steps. I get out of breath so quickly.
I am not sure what i can do to avoid this trigger but at least i am now aware of it.

One achievement is i have now been off steriods for 6 whole weeks!

Next week i am due to start a work trial to see if i can manage working with my asthma i am hoping that this will go well and that with time i will be able to manage a 16 hour a week job. I will keep you updated on on how it goes and i have everything crossed that it all will go well!

Thursday 11 June 2009

Stress and Asthma

Wow no one has posted anything recenlty.

Overall recenlty my asthma has been really well behaved but recently I have been very stressed and noticed my control has got a lot worse. Before when I was goign through a really bad faze asthma control wise Dr emntioned stress to me but I never felt stressed but I now think I probably was stressed that I couldnt conrtol my asthma and then it was a vicious cycle.

I know jsut now I can pinpoint what has caused me to be stressed and it coincides with my lapse in control. It has not effected me too much in the day time but the night is causing some really problems. I am up at all hours. The more this is happening the more worked up I am getting that it is the start of another bad patch and Im goign to end up going back into hospital.

It seems ot be a real viscious circle jsut now. I got stressed then my asthma got bad and now i am getting stressed because my asthma has been getting worse.

For me the main worry is not that my asthma is getting bad but the impact that has. I play alot of golf and being shakey from ventolin is driving me mad as putting when shaky leads to some very interesting putts and this could ruin some scores.

I start work soon so hopfully this will all blow over and I will be too preoccupied with work to eb abelt o be stressed!!!